Noble Man Should Act Like One

01.07 Unknown 0 Comments

Being gay has never been this hard lol. Someone got upset just because i mentioned one gay bar in the city and asked him to join (in a very joking way). i couldn't even understand what is so wrong about that (huh?). He also said that his class is different with me. 

Whoa, what? What class? if you mean that as a caste system then you are just a bigheaded dick. I live in Bali of course, but that doesn't mean i'm agreed with everything. Caste system has never been my principle of my life, so when people start to apply it on me, i refused. I see all people as equal, because human is human. Whether you are black or white or asian or gay or straight, human is human. If you think you are an upper class and START UNDERESTIMATE one, then i have no respect for you sorry.

If you think you are an upper class, thats okay. But if you START UNDERESTIMATE one, thats not okay. Thats the kind respect i can only give you and no more.

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