How to Overcome Loneliness

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"People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated" says Tom in (500) Days of Summer. Ssh .. it's one of my favourite movie, watch it people!

Ironic how this entry inspired by silly people called me 'a lonely guy in the corner'. Yups, people often misunderstanding me as a lonely guy who would watch a movie alone, take a walk alone, eat alone and do everything alone. Not false, people! i was always like that. As a very very very introverted guy, i could lock my room and not coming out of it for two days straight, like a man in a cave. I liked to be alone, but am i lonely? Not.

Dude, if you don't know how to be alone, you'll always be lonely.

That's deep.

I think of myself sometimes. I have this problem with social life i think its because of my trauma. I was very girly back then in secondary school and even i was the smartest among them, i always be bullied. I still remember how they hit me in face and making fun of me. And also, everyone would like me in the first encounter but they would turn their face around in the end. it hurts, really to see dissapointing face. Why? because i'm girly. And since then i see people as problems, i don't want to meet much people. But i always feel so lucky. Beside my very horrible social life, i always have that one friend to stand by my side. Thats my secret. And, if i have to write down the things to fight the loneliness, here's my tips :

1. Be Positive & Be Thankful
Always think positive. I don't always think positive i admit, but when i feel really bad, i think of 'be positive'. Loneliness often came when we start comparing ourself with the others. sometimes we sad because jealousness of others, how they had a partner, how they laugh freely, how brightful their future are based on today. Let's not do that. Thats just making you feel more bad. Don't mind them, mind yourself. if you just really thankful for today or for what you have, that would change your whole life.

Everyone has its own way, we didn't walk in the same way. if someone move fast, then it's time for you to move faster, not slower. I have this great example to be thankful for what you have, i found it in Humans of New York (nah this is my favorite fb page, like it hurry). it basically a photograph page where Brandon meets New Yorker in streets and asked them their stories and quotes. A man said this (Oh, i'm really inspired) :

"I'm single, unemployed and late middle-aged. But i don't really get sad. I just don't think sadness is in my brain chemistry. When i go home to my apartment, i've got a faucet that releases both hot and cold water. You know how many billions of people don't even have clean drinking water? And i've got two types of clean water : hot and cold"

2. Be Creative
Am i asking too much? i hope not. But really, i've never been lonely because my lack of partner, but because my lack of creativity. I got mad and lonely and messy when i don't have anything to think of. I got mad when i'm not productive. Maybe there are works you have to do or something in your room that could turn your world. if you are an artist, make a drawing, if you are a writer, write something, or maybe you'll just print your photos and stick it in your wall. Find inspirations anywhere, search something in internet.

3. Find Something to Do
I hate it if i didn't do anything. So i made a list of '50 Simple things to do' like, dancing to Bowie and Beatles, Taking a shower, watch a movie, eat a fruit etc. Or, if you are religious enough (or not), pray to God, there always be a feeling that you are not alone, there's someone hiding in a rooftop watching you. oops sorry. i mean, God is watching you and be with you. Also, Differentiate between loneliness and solitude. loneliness is when you are unhappy to be alone. Solitude is when you are happy to be alone. There's nothing wrong with solitude. You deserve to be happy!

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