Projects : Bidang Pengabdian Masyarakat Himaki Unud 2014/2015

22.07 Unknown 0 Comments

Nah, Musyawarah Mahasiswa (Musma) Kimia FMIPA Unud has just done in Wednesday, 06-17-2015. Ahem, and so my services in the organization Himaki (Chemistry Student Association) are all automatically ended that day. I also congratulate Bayu Kenanda chosen as chairman (or president?) of 2015/2016 Himaki FMIPA Unud. Cheers for Ken!

As my service ended, i would like to share some of the projects we've done in the past year. it's quite good and amazing experiences we had : how we can manage things, laugh with people and sharing ideas. We enjoy them for sure, but there are also times when things gets hard and we are glad that we solved the problems we were facing. Believe me, all i learned in this college thing is "You can do everything you think you can't do".

Nah, thats all. Now we should start with this :

1. Himaki Anniversary

The anniversary held in three events : Penghijauan (Campus go Green), Bakti Sosial (Social Service), and Malam Puncak HUT (Night Celebrations). Penghijauan project deals with every students and lecturers in Chemistry Department of Udayana be participant to fix the campus, you know the scattered trash, growing weeds, traces of soils on the floor and annoying dusts on windows. We have to do something on it, don't we? and since the photos are so many, i'll put the link here. 

The next project is Bakti Sosial or Social Service, held on 11 April 2015. In this project, we raise moneys from our relatives, we collect stuffs like old and new books,  stationeries, school uniforms and other stuffs. then, we visit a school or an orphanage. This year we visit an outskirt school in Tabanan, Bali - they had less than 70 students! So first, we held presentations about "chemical substances in food" and "how to wash your hand properly", and we held games - we sing and dance and laugh together. We ask childrens from 1st and 2nd grade to draw fruits and mountainous landscape. In this photo below, we photograph the faces of childrens holding their own drawings. Oh you don't know how happy i am to see them smile! Cute, isn't it?

The last one is Night Celebrations, held on 09 Mei 2015 in Gedung Pramuka, Renon, Denpasar. It's crowded. We had some agendas, like 'Meet the Alumni', 'Favorite Korma', ' Band Show', 'Lecturer performance' etc. You can see one of our lecturer performs a song here (nah, bravo mr. James!). Oh! don't forget the Photobooth Stand, We made all the instruments yeah .. and because i can't stand the cuteness of Domo, i'll put a picture below ha.

2. Study Tour!

I'm so so so so glad that this is done. The event held in 16-18 April 2015 from Bali to Surabaya. We visit a waste treatment company first, PT. SIER (Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut) and a friendly visit to one of the most outstanding university in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). We also did a Tirtayatra (it's a Hindu thing) in Pura Blambangan in Banyuwangi. We learned a lot, and thats what matters :D 

3. Sosialisasi (how to translate it in english?)

It doesn't matter, the word constructed from 'social' you know what it means, and sosialisasi means 'to socialize'. And thats it. the main purpose of this project is to socialize Chemistry to common people and High School student. And, of course we promoted our campus so we can get close to them. there are the pictures.

4. Pembaharuan Database (Database Renewal)

Like the name, we were renewing databases of Chemistry Student. It's kinda easy to collect active student information, but we have problems with Alumni's information. This is kinda serious, you know in a "A-accredited campus" they had organized files of their students. All of it.

5. Social Media

A bit tangled. We had some accounts of Himaki Unud in Social Media. Like two facebook account created by a different admins. So we solved them, and we arranged it like that up. its all official. Check these accounts!

6. Kartu Ucapan (Greeting Cards)

We made some greeting cards for some instantion or departments or companies around campus. The content is all religious events, like Christmas and Chinese New Year and Idul Fitri and Nyepi day etc. This one we made for Christmas! What do you think?

7. Jum'at Bersih (Net Friday - i swear i don't know again how to translate this)

On Friday evening, after our course we held a voluntary work for all students to clean up our campus environment. No much to say about this because yeah, its doesn't work that well. i know, don't look at me like that bud.

There are two other works we've done. Its Suka Duka (bitter-sweets?) where we collect moneys from students to help another friends whose in need, or get sick, or facing death of a loved one, or even happy events like metatah or wedding ceremony. Another work is Pengabdian Diri as a replacement of BIM. it's a huge event but it didn't work well so i feel embarrassed to put it in here. Ah, nevermind. We can learn from our past mistakes, right? So now what do you think of our projects in Himaki? tell me ya. Thankyou and have a good day! ;D

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