What I'd like to Say about Homophobia

04.42 Unknown 0 Comments

Same-sex marriage is officially legalized in America now, has left most of us in endless debate. Its not something new, actually Holland was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001 and thereafter, following Holland policy 19 other countries did the same, including Canada in 2005 and England in 2013. But the fact its USA, everyone! We in third world countries have keen eyes to this more 'powerful' country.

So what this issue would impact us in Indonesia? I noticed by now in my facebook timeline, tons of my friends are against LGBTs, stating that homosexual act is nurture, not nature. They hold the view that homosexuality is unnatural, abnormal and a mental disorder, that gays should be sent into a rehab center. That's not so nice of you, buddy. 

For me, I feel so lucky to live in the most gay-friendly city in Indonesia because coming out has never been this easy! But to think that im not accepted in my own hometown and birthplace is horrible. Where should i go 'Home'? I remembered i was walking in street and someone yelling 'queer' at me. I don't care actually but it still hurts. For society i should act and live as they want not as i want. I have seen my discreet-gay-muslim friends forced to marry a girl in order to gratify the society. Its sad that they have to live the lie, because once youre out, chances you would be excommunicated from environment. But people wants them to lie, to them, to their spouse, to their family and its funny either the homosexuality is sick or the society, huh?

LGBTs (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) has been around since the very beginning of civilization. People often condemn homosexuality toward religion indoctrination of Sodom and Gomorah story. In a non-abrahamic-religion culture like ancient China or Japan, homosexuality are generally viewed as normal activity. Hindu even has transgender God, Indians considered it as sacred and ancient greek viewed it as a tool to control over-population. We are everywhere! and we exists accross the ages and civilizations. Moreover now, big companies like Facebook, Apple, Google and Yahoo are celebrating Pride! The CEO of the phone you are using is gay, and Freddie the Queen vocalist is also gay (Remember 'We are the Champions'?). LGBT people are directly or indirectly part of everybody's life. Chances are that some of the haters here may have been dressed in Versace ha. 

So what makes people homophobic? Minority like us can go unnoticed, and is only thought of as one when it constitute some kind of threat to majority. A real threat or imagined one. Men has always been superior and dominant over womans. In some civilizations, Men even thinks woman is no more as 'something' to pleased their lust. The existence of homosexuality, might lower their dignity. They feared that woman might took their place. They feared homosexuals would destroy their society. The cause wasn't real and imagined. The cause was fear. If minority is somehow invisible, the fear is much greater. This one i screenshot it from internet in a very innocent way :

So? Just because you can't understand something, doesn't mean it's wrong.

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