What I'd like to Say about Homophobia

Same-sex marriage is officially legalized in America now, has left most of us in endless debate. Its not something new, actually Holland was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2001 and thereafter, following Holland policy 19 other countries did the same, including Canada in 2005 and England in 2013. But the fact its USA, everyone! We in third world countries have keen eyes to this more 'powerful' country.

So what this issue would impact us in Indonesia? I noticed by now in my facebook timeline, tons of my friends are against LGBTs, stating that homosexual act is nurture, not nature. They hold the view that homosexuality is unnatural, abnormal and a mental disorder, that gays should be sent into a rehab center. That's not so nice of you, buddy. 

For me, I feel so lucky to live in the most gay-friendly city in Indonesia because coming out has never been this easy! But to think that im not accepted in my own hometown and birthplace is horrible. Where should i go 'Home'? I remembered i was walking in street and someone yelling 'queer' at me. I don't care actually but it still hurts. For society i should act and live as they want not as i want. I have seen my discreet-gay-muslim friends forced to marry a girl in order to gratify the society. Its sad that they have to live the lie, because once youre out, chances you would be excommunicated from environment. But people wants them to lie, to them, to their spouse, to their family and its funny either the homosexuality is sick or the society, huh?

LGBTs (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) has been around since the very beginning of civilization. People often condemn homosexuality toward religion indoctrination of Sodom and Gomorah story. In a non-abrahamic-religion culture like ancient China or Japan, homosexuality are generally viewed as normal activity. Hindu even has transgender God, Indians considered it as sacred and ancient greek viewed it as a tool to control over-population. We are everywhere! and we exists accross the ages and civilizations. Moreover now, big companies like Facebook, Apple, Google and Yahoo are celebrating Pride! The CEO of the phone you are using is gay, and Freddie the Queen vocalist is also gay (Remember 'We are the Champions'?). LGBT people are directly or indirectly part of everybody's life. Chances are that some of the haters here may have been dressed in Versace ha. 

So what makes people homophobic? Minority like us can go unnoticed, and is only thought of as one when it constitute some kind of threat to majority. A real threat or imagined one. Men has always been superior and dominant over womans. In some civilizations, Men even thinks woman is no more as 'something' to pleased their lust. The existence of homosexuality, might lower their dignity. They feared that woman might took their place. They feared homosexuals would destroy their society. The cause wasn't real and imagined. The cause was fear. If minority is somehow invisible, the fear is much greater. This one i screenshot it from internet in a very innocent way :

So? Just because you can't understand something, doesn't mean it's wrong.

Noble Man Should Act Like One

Being gay has never been this hard lol. Someone got upset just because i mentioned one gay bar in the city and asked him to join (in a very joking way). i couldn't even understand what is so wrong about that (huh?). He also said that his class is different with me. 

Whoa, what? What class? if you mean that as a caste system then you are just a bigheaded dick. I live in Bali of course, but that doesn't mean i'm agreed with everything. Caste system has never been my principle of my life, so when people start to apply it on me, i refused. I see all people as equal, because human is human. Whether you are black or white or asian or gay or straight, human is human. If you think you are an upper class and START UNDERESTIMATE one, then i have no respect for you sorry.

If you think you are an upper class, thats okay. But if you START UNDERESTIMATE one, thats not okay. Thats the kind respect i can only give you and no more.

How to Overcome Loneliness

"People don't realize this, but loneliness is underrated" says Tom in (500) Days of Summer. Ssh .. it's one of my favourite movie, watch it people!

Ironic how this entry inspired by silly people called me 'a lonely guy in the corner'. Yups, people often misunderstanding me as a lonely guy who would watch a movie alone, take a walk alone, eat alone and do everything alone. Not false, people! i was always like that. As a very very very introverted guy, i could lock my room and not coming out of it for two days straight, like a man in a cave. I liked to be alone, but am i lonely? Not.

Dude, if you don't know how to be alone, you'll always be lonely.

That's deep.

I think of myself sometimes. I have this problem with social life i think its because of my trauma. I was very girly back then in secondary school and even i was the smartest among them, i always be bullied. I still remember how they hit me in face and making fun of me. And also, everyone would like me in the first encounter but they would turn their face around in the end. it hurts, really to see dissapointing face. Why? because i'm girly. And since then i see people as problems, i don't want to meet much people. But i always feel so lucky. Beside my very horrible social life, i always have that one friend to stand by my side. Thats my secret. And, if i have to write down the things to fight the loneliness, here's my tips :

1. Be Positive & Be Thankful
Always think positive. I don't always think positive i admit, but when i feel really bad, i think of 'be positive'. Loneliness often came when we start comparing ourself with the others. sometimes we sad because jealousness of others, how they had a partner, how they laugh freely, how brightful their future are based on today. Let's not do that. Thats just making you feel more bad. Don't mind them, mind yourself. if you just really thankful for today or for what you have, that would change your whole life.

Everyone has its own way, we didn't walk in the same way. if someone move fast, then it's time for you to move faster, not slower. I have this great example to be thankful for what you have, i found it in Humans of New York (nah this is my favorite fb page, like it hurry). it basically a photograph page where Brandon meets New Yorker in streets and asked them their stories and quotes. A man said this (Oh, i'm really inspired) :

"I'm single, unemployed and late middle-aged. But i don't really get sad. I just don't think sadness is in my brain chemistry. When i go home to my apartment, i've got a faucet that releases both hot and cold water. You know how many billions of people don't even have clean drinking water? And i've got two types of clean water : hot and cold"

2. Be Creative
Am i asking too much? i hope not. But really, i've never been lonely because my lack of partner, but because my lack of creativity. I got mad and lonely and messy when i don't have anything to think of. I got mad when i'm not productive. Maybe there are works you have to do or something in your room that could turn your world. if you are an artist, make a drawing, if you are a writer, write something, or maybe you'll just print your photos and stick it in your wall. Find inspirations anywhere, search something in internet.

3. Find Something to Do
I hate it if i didn't do anything. So i made a list of '50 Simple things to do' like, dancing to Bowie and Beatles, Taking a shower, watch a movie, eat a fruit etc. Or, if you are religious enough (or not), pray to God, there always be a feeling that you are not alone, there's someone hiding in a rooftop watching you. oops sorry. i mean, God is watching you and be with you. Also, Differentiate between loneliness and solitude. loneliness is when you are unhappy to be alone. Solitude is when you are happy to be alone. There's nothing wrong with solitude. You deserve to be happy!

Projects : Bidang Pengabdian Masyarakat Himaki Unud 2014/2015

Nah, Musyawarah Mahasiswa (Musma) Kimia FMIPA Unud has just done in Wednesday, 06-17-2015. Ahem, and so my services in the organization Himaki (Chemistry Student Association) are all automatically ended that day. I also congratulate Bayu Kenanda chosen as chairman (or president?) of 2015/2016 Himaki FMIPA Unud. Cheers for Ken!

As my service ended, i would like to share some of the projects we've done in the past year. it's quite good and amazing experiences we had : how we can manage things, laugh with people and sharing ideas. We enjoy them for sure, but there are also times when things gets hard and we are glad that we solved the problems we were facing. Believe me, all i learned in this college thing is "You can do everything you think you can't do".

Nah, thats all. Now we should start with this :

1. Himaki Anniversary

The anniversary held in three events : Penghijauan (Campus go Green), Bakti Sosial (Social Service), and Malam Puncak HUT (Night Celebrations). Penghijauan project deals with every students and lecturers in Chemistry Department of Udayana be participant to fix the campus, you know the scattered trash, growing weeds, traces of soils on the floor and annoying dusts on windows. We have to do something on it, don't we? and since the photos are so many, i'll put the link here. 

The next project is Bakti Sosial or Social Service, held on 11 April 2015. In this project, we raise moneys from our relatives, we collect stuffs like old and new books,  stationeries, school uniforms and other stuffs. then, we visit a school or an orphanage. This year we visit an outskirt school in Tabanan, Bali - they had less than 70 students! So first, we held presentations about "chemical substances in food" and "how to wash your hand properly", and we held games - we sing and dance and laugh together. We ask childrens from 1st and 2nd grade to draw fruits and mountainous landscape. In this photo below, we photograph the faces of childrens holding their own drawings. Oh you don't know how happy i am to see them smile! Cute, isn't it?

The last one is Night Celebrations, held on 09 Mei 2015 in Gedung Pramuka, Renon, Denpasar. It's crowded. We had some agendas, like 'Meet the Alumni', 'Favorite Korma', ' Band Show', 'Lecturer performance' etc. You can see one of our lecturer performs a song here (nah, bravo mr. James!). Oh! don't forget the Photobooth Stand, We made all the instruments yeah .. and because i can't stand the cuteness of Domo, i'll put a picture below ha.

2. Study Tour!

I'm so so so so glad that this is done. The event held in 16-18 April 2015 from Bali to Surabaya. We visit a waste treatment company first, PT. SIER (Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut) and a friendly visit to one of the most outstanding university in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS). We also did a Tirtayatra (it's a Hindu thing) in Pura Blambangan in Banyuwangi. We learned a lot, and thats what matters :D 

3. Sosialisasi (how to translate it in english?)

It doesn't matter, the word constructed from 'social' you know what it means, and sosialisasi means 'to socialize'. And thats it. the main purpose of this project is to socialize Chemistry to common people and High School student. And, of course we promoted our campus so we can get close to them. there are the pictures.

4. Pembaharuan Database (Database Renewal)

Like the name, we were renewing databases of Chemistry Student. It's kinda easy to collect active student information, but we have problems with Alumni's information. This is kinda serious, you know in a "A-accredited campus" they had organized files of their students. All of it.

5. Social Media

A bit tangled. We had some accounts of Himaki Unud in Social Media. Like two facebook account created by a different admins. So we solved them, and we arranged it like that up. its all official. Check these accounts!

6. Kartu Ucapan (Greeting Cards)

We made some greeting cards for some instantion or departments or companies around campus. The content is all religious events, like Christmas and Chinese New Year and Idul Fitri and Nyepi day etc. This one we made for Christmas! What do you think?

7. Jum'at Bersih (Net Friday - i swear i don't know again how to translate this)

On Friday evening, after our course we held a voluntary work for all students to clean up our campus environment. No much to say about this because yeah, its doesn't work that well. i know, don't look at me like that bud.

There are two other works we've done. Its Suka Duka (bitter-sweets?) where we collect moneys from students to help another friends whose in need, or get sick, or facing death of a loved one, or even happy events like metatah or wedding ceremony. Another work is Pengabdian Diri as a replacement of BIM. it's a huge event but it didn't work well so i feel embarrassed to put it in here. Ah, nevermind. We can learn from our past mistakes, right? So now what do you think of our projects in Himaki? tell me ya. Thankyou and have a good day! ;D

Contact Me! 2

Agak lebay memang nyusunnya, but whatever :D

Karikatur Katalis

Karikatur ini dibuat untuk dimuat di majalah Katalis terbitan Himpunan Mahasiswa Kimia Universitas Udayana 2015. Inspirasinya dari pak Wirajana yang bilang Jika kita bisa mencapai akreditasi A, maka kesempatan bekerja bagi lulusan kita bakalan lebih baik. Darisitu saya loncat ke kampus ITB yang bahkan di hari kelulusannya udah ada stand perusahaan yang boking mereka. Masih jauhkah kita kesana?

WCU Bukan Sebuah Nama Demi Mengejar Gengsi*

Kelas belum dimulai sedangkan seorang dosen dan hampir seluruh mahasiswa telah berada di dalam ruangan kelas. Beberapa mahasiswa yang datang terlambat tetap diperbolehkan memasuki ruangan, namun suasana kelas tetap hening. Terdengar suara-suara kecil obrolan mahasiswa di pojok ruangan namun dosen itu tetap berkutat di depan laptopnya tanpa berbicara sepatah katapun.

Jarum jam menunjukkan pukul 09.07 WITA ketika seorang mahasiswa masuk ke dalam kelas dengan membawa tas LCD di tangannya. Sambil terengah-engah, dia meletakkan LCD tersebut di atas meja sang dosen dan mengaturnya, hingga setelah semua hal telah siap, dosen tersebut mulai berucap dengan kalimat, "Bagaimana pendidikan di Unud bisa maju?"

Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat yang tetap mengusik penulis bahkan hingga tulisan ini dibuat. Bagaimana tidak? Dalam kasus di atas, masalahnya sederhana yakni kantor Tata Usaha (TU) belum dibuka sehingga alat LCD yang akan digunakan tidak dapat diambil. Dengan alasan apapun, bukan hanya pegawai TU yang layak malu namun setiap kalangan akademisi di Universitas Udayana layak untuk "risih" dengan sindiran tersebut. Masalah utamanya adalah integritas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang kita miliki. Bukan hanya di kampus kimia, karena masalah ini dapat terjadi di setiap lingkungan kampus udayana.

World Class University telah menjadi obsesi besar banyak kampus di Indonesia semenjak Undang-undang Badan Hukum Pendidikan disahkan. Begitu juga Universitas Udayana (Unud). Setidaknya ada tujuh standar utama akreditasi nasional yang dapat dijadikan patokan awal pengembangan sistem pendidikan di Unud yakni visi misi, tata kelola, pembiayaan, kurikulum, penelitian, pengabdian dan kerjasama. Adapun Jurusan Kimia memiliki visi menjadikan jurusan kimia sebagai pusat pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat di bidang kimia yang unggul, mandiri dan berbudaya.

Jika kita melihat realita yang terjadi di lapangan, banyak hal yang harus dibenahi. Selain contoh di atas, contoh lain adalah jadwal kurikulum pembelajaran dan ujian yang sering tidak pasti. Selain itu, fasilitas belajar termasuk kelengkapan alat laboratorium, alat-alat pembelajaran di kelas seperti LCD, spidol, penghapus, kabel roll dan lainnya. Memang kelihatan sepele, namun alat-alat kecil tersebut merupakan hal krusial bagi kelancaran proses pembelajaran di kelas. Ditinjau dari sisi penelitian dan kerjasama yang berlangsung di jurusan kimia, publikasi hasil penelitian dapat pula menjadi patokan keberhasilan karena semakin banyak penelitian yang dipublikasikan, nama universitas akan lebih dikenal sehingga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi calon mahasiswa.

Ditinjau dari segi tersebut, patut dipertanyakan kembali apakah jurusan kimia cukup mumpuni untuk bersaing bahkan ditingkat nasional?. Jika kita menilik dari segi lain yakni penampilan kampus, banyak orang luar akan tertawa jika melihat keadaan kampus yang dipenuhi hewan-hewan seperti anjing, ayam dan sapi. Ketidaknyamanan lain seperti kehilangan laptop dan motor yang baru-baru ini terjadi.

Jika sudah begini, siapa juga yang akan malu? Pertanyaan ini berlaku bukan hanya bagi kalangan akademisi di kampus kimia, namun untuk jurusan dan fakultas lain di lingkungan Unud. Sekali lagi, World Class University bukanlah sebuah nama demi mengejar gengsi.

*Tulisan pernah ditampilkan dalam mading kimia, BK FMIPA